Sunday, June 27, 2010

Financial Reform and Other Great Accomplishments

Dear Friends,

The House/Senate Conference Committee dealing with financial reform reached agreement, and it looks like we will have a significant financial reform law passed and signed by the Fourth of  July.  Given the amount of money that the financial industry gives to both Republicans and Democrats, it is an amazing victory for President Obama and the Democrats.  Needless to say none of the Republicans on the conference committee voted for the compromise.  In today's world that is to be expected.  The Republicans will vote against virtually anything that President Obama likes.  In this case with all the campaign donations from the financial industry, it is not a surprise that the Republicans voted against it.  We should celebrate the fact that President Obama and the Democrats, who also receive lots of campaign contributions from the financial industry, did what was right and what was necessary.  Congratulations to President Obama and the Democrats!!  You give me hope for the future.

Rachel Maddow had a segment on her show on Friday night that was really uplifting.  There were two really good points.  The first was that President Reagan did some amazing things that would get him kicked out of the Republican Party today and would have Rush Limbaugh, etal. out for his head.  The second point was how much President Obama has accomplished less than half way through his first term.  I need to be reminded of all the good things that have happened and Rachel did a great job of reminding me.  Here is the segment.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

1 comment:

  1. I saw this segment on Maddow's show just when I needed to. It's been a tough couple of weeks for the planet and for our country.
