Friday, February 5, 2010

Senator Franken

Dear Friends,

While I am very upset with the senior Senator from Minnesota (Senator Klobuchar), I am quite pleased with the performance of the junior Senator from Minnesota (Senator Franken).  When Al Franken ran for the Senate many people did not think that a comedian would make a good Senator and that he was not serious enough to be a Senator.  Fortunately, those of us that had an opportunity to hear candidate Franken speak or to meet with him knew that he was very smart, very thoughtful and very passionate about what he was doing.

Senator Franken is making his mark in the Senate.  If ever there was an institution that needed some shaking up it is the United States Senate, and that is what he is doing.  Unfortunately, it is late and I do not have enough time to chronicle all of his achievements in the Senate in the short time that he has been there. But see this list on his website.  Here are some recent examples. 

While the leadership of the Democratic party has been talking about needing a jobs bill, Senator Franken has introduced the Cash for Jobs bill.  A bill that has won praise from many economists.  Senator Franken is not waiting around for leadership from Senator Reid or President Obama.

While most Democratic Senators are waiting for some leadership, Senator Franken is speaking truth to power when he tells President Obama and David Axelrod that they blew it on health care reform by failing to lead.  (here).

While most Congressional hearings have the feel that our elected representatives give a speech, the witnesses give a speech and nobody demands answers, Senator Franken actually uses Congressional hearings to get answers to questions and call out lies. (here)

If we had a Senate full of people like Senator Franken, we would be a lot better off.

Thanks for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Family and Politicians

Dear Friends,

I apologize that this is the second post about the National Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the Family.  I was upset at the idea that President Obama would continue the tradition of the President attending this event.  But I am now completely deflated.  Not only was President Obama there, but so was Vice President Biden and so was Secretary of State Clinton, who has long attended the event.  None of those three surprised me by their presence, but then I learned that Senator Klobuchar not only attended but was a co-chair of the event.

Why would she do that?  Does she not know about the Family?  Has she not read Jeff Sharlet's book?  Is the Family that powerful that she needs to lend her name and credibility to them?  I am still in shock.

I wrote a note to Rachel Maddow who has had Senator Klobuchar on her program on many occasions and asked her to please ask Senator Klobuchar to explain why she would go to the event and agree to be co-chair.

I should note that the politicians in the US get a pass on this one in large part because the mainstream press is reluctant to talk about the Family.  Compare this article from the New York Times which barely mentions the Family or the controversy surrounding it with this article from the Guardian.  When will we get real reporting and not just superficial accounts?

Thank you for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another Secret War and the Absence of Truth

Dear Friends,

In the last few days, I have been very encouraged by the new President Obama as he has taken on the Republicans, answered the public's questions and told the Democratic Senators to get moving on health care.  The difference between the questions asked by the public of President Obama and those asked by the Senate Democrats points out the huge problem that we have with elected Democrats. But I digress.

Unfortunately, the disclosure today that we have troops in Pakistan notwithstanding the constant denials from the Obama Administration reminds me of why I am depressed about President Obama bringing meaningful change to the way Washington works.  I learned about this from Rachel Maddow tonight.  Here is the clip of the segment from her show:

If you want more information, here is the link to the reporting she cites.

It does not seem to be asking too much that our government be honest with us.  Ideally, we would be told anywhere that US personnel (military, CIA or others) are being sent into harms way.  Less than ideal would be that if asked if there are troops in Pakistan, the response would be that we cannot comment about the whereabouts of our troops.  But to outright lie in response to that question is unforgivable.  I expected that kind of behavior from President Bush, but I expected better from President Obama.

I am reminded of President Obama's very lame excuse for breaking his campaign promise about holding all the health care discussions on CSPAN.  It was a stupid campaign promise.  His stock response to a question about why he broke his campaign promise is that his administration is the only administration to list all visitors to the White House on the internet for all to see and that most everything was on CSPAN.  What a terrible answer.  The truthful answer would be that he should admit that he never should have made that promise and that there are some discussions that have to be behind closed doors if any progress is to be made.  At least that would be an honest answer.

We need to hold President Obama accountable to the American people and make him tell us the truth.

Thank you for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Precinct Caucus

Dear Friends,

Tonight I attended my precinct caucus, a biennial event that I really enjoy.  Two years ago the gym in the local grade school/community rec center was full to capacity but that was really unusual and many people left after the Presidential straw poll.  Tonight there were just over 100 people which is a pretty good turnout by historical standards and everybody stayed after the straw poll for Governor.  All the regular suspects were there along with some new young faces which is always uplifting. 

The main job for the precinct caucus was to elect delegates to the next level of conventions.  In our case this year the one with the most interest is the Senate District convention which elects delegates to the State convention which will give the endorsement for Governor.  We could elect 38 delegates and 38 alternates to the Senate District Convention which is the one that was of interest to me.  Forty people wanted to be delegates but two agreed to be alternates so those of us that wanted to be delegates were elected without dissent.  This congenial atmosphere made the caucus very efficient, but it lacked the chaos of the walking caucus system that true political geeks (me included) love.

I cannot even try to be a delegate to the State Convention because I cannot attend that weekend.  But I want to go to the Senate District Convention because I am quite sure that with all the candidates for Governor and with an open State house seat for our district there will be walking caucuses which with a large group are really fun.  Without trying to describe how walking caucuses work, they are designed to be sure that the delegates elected are proportionately representative of the people electing those delegates.  There is no such thing as winner takes all in Minnesota DFL processes.

Anyway it is great to participate in grass roots democracy.  I am looking forward to the next convention.

Thanks for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Family

Dear Friends,

I was going to write about going to my precinct caucus tomorrow night, but a friend (thank you Steve if you are reading) sent me an article from AlterNet by Adele M. Stan entitled  "At National Prayer Breakfast, Obama to Address Shadowy Christian Group Tied to Unganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill". (here

The upcoming National Prayer Breakfast gives me an opportunity to strongly urge all of you to read The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power by Jeff Sharlet.  It is an amazing and very scary book.  Jeff Sharlet essentially went inside the Family and provides a fascinating history of the Family which is inexorably linked with American history.  He does a fantastic job of tracing the Family back to the beginning to the European settlements in North America.  The power exerted by this group cannot be underestimated and certainly cannot and should not be ignored.

It was the Family that started the National Prayer Breakfast and continues to control it today.  Apparently, the invitations to the National Prayer Breakfast go out on Congressional letterhead notwithstanding the overtly Christian slant of the meeting.  It is not open to the press either.  The Family uses it as an opportunity for networking for their associates throughout the world to engage with Representatives, Senators, high ranking administration and political officials.  It is not just a Republican event although primarily so.

Recently thanks to Jeff Sharlet's book and Rachael Maddow's focus both on his book and the Uganda Kill the Gays legislation, the shadow in which the Family likes to live is a little less dark to some in this country.  The mainstream media still refuses to expose the Family, I suspect because of the power that the Family wields. 

For those who listen closely, the recent sex scandals for the likes of Governor Sanford, Senator Ensign and Representative Chip Pickering have also shed some light on the Family.  All of those "public" servants have been counseled about their affairs at the C Street house owned by the Family and a house where many Representatives and Senator members of the Family live in Washington, DC.  In fact it has been alleged that Representative Pickering conducted his affair in part at the C Street house.

When Uganda proposed the Kill the Gays legislation, the relationship between the Family and Uganda and in particular the person that proposed the Kill the Gays legislation came under significant scrutiny.  Ultimately, members of the Family were forced to condemn the legislation although it took a long time.  In fact the main proponent of the legislation was scheduled to attend the National Prayer Breakfast until his invitation was revoked in mid-January.

All United States Presidents have addressed the National Prayer Breakfast since President Eisenhower.  President Obama addressed the breakfast last year and is slated to address the breakfast again this year.  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ("CREW") (here)  is calling on him to cancel his appearance which would be the right thing to do, but I doubt that President Obama has the political will to do so.  

Send the President a note if you think he should cancel his appearance at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Thanks for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal