Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Villefranche-ssur-mer Winter 2018 - 6

Chers Amis,

Aujourd'hui c'était le jour pour nettoyer la plage.  Une grue est arrivée ce matin, et elle a ramassé le bateau à voile et l'a mis sur une remorque.

Dans le photo, j'inspecte les dégats à la coque et l'absence de la quille.  Elle doit être cassé quand la grue a ramassé le bateau à voile.  Il y a un grand trou dans la coque où la quille était attachée.  Malheureusement, on aussi a laissé le mât.

Mais comme vous pouvez voir, un couple tout de suite a pris l'endroit ou le bateau à voile a été pour prendre un bain de soleil.

Je pense que la grue aussi a ramassé les deux coques sur la plage, y compris celle du bateau ce qui je ne sais pas s'il a été sauvé ou s'il a été détruit.  Malheureusement il a été détruit.  C'est la coques au dessus du container.

La plage est presque propre, mais il reste des débris, y compris quelques mâts.

C'était un autre jour au paradis.

Merci de lire et svp faites des remarques,
L'incorrigible gauchiste

Dear Friends,

Today was the day for cleaning up the beach.  A crane came this morning, and it picked up the sailboat and put it on a trailer.

In the photo, I am inspecting the damage to the hull and the absence of the keel.  It must have been broken off when the crane picked up the sailboat.  There is a big hole in the hull where the keel was attached. Unfortunately they also left the mast.

But as you can see, a couple immediately took the place where the sailboat had been in order to sunbathe.

I think that the crane also picked up the two hulls on the beach including the one from the boat that I did not know if it had been saved or if it had been destroyed.  Unfortunately, it had been destroyed.  It is the hull on top of the container.

The beach is almost clean but some debris remains, including several masts.

It was another day in paradise.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Villefranche-sur-mer Winter 2018 - 5

Dear Friends,

I know its wrong, but sometimes I take a certain amount of joy from the mistakes of others.  As I struggle to learn French, it is hard not to smile when the French make a mistake in English. Last night  we were treated to dinner at La Mayssa Beach restaurant in Villefranche.  It is a great restaurant right on the bay.  The food was great as was the service.  When it came time for dessert, I was delighted to see that they offered profiteroles.  I was particularly glad that they had a twist by including salted caramel ice cream.  When I read the English translation, I could not help but burst out laughing.

In French it was clear that there was one scoop of vanilla ice cream and one of salted caramel ice cream.  The problem came with the translation.  The word "salé" is an adjective meaning salted.  The word "sale" is an adjective meaning dirty.  As you can see whoever did the translation translated the word "sale" not "salé" hence the dirty and not the salted.  This error is a perfect example of the many errors I make everyday but this time by someone else.  I guess misery loves company.  

You should know that the profiteroles were among the best I have ever had.  The addition of the salted caramel ice cream was great and the chocolate sauce which verged on being too bitter was perfect and the little hazelnuts in it added just the right amount of texture.

Today as I speak my French I am doing so with my head held higher even as I make my mistakes.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal