Monday, April 26, 2010

Update on Oil Spill

Dear Friends,

I just googled "gulf of mexico oil leak".  Of the first ten responses, there were none from a major US media outlet and only about half were dated today.  I guess the American media is done with the story.

Here is a link to an update.  You may recall that yesterday I reported that the oil slick was 400 square miles in size.  Well the report today is that the oil slick is 48 miles by 39 miles which is 1,872 square miles.  That is more than four times as large as the day before. 

I am afraid that we will not see much more media coverage of this disaster unless and until it hits the shore.  This slick may not hit the shore, but you can rest assured that if we drill offshore, there will be large spills that hit the shores.  The fact that the disaster occurs will not be a surprise.  It is only a question of when.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really interesting to think about which stories get covered and which don't. I'll probably be talking about this when I teach Mass Media next year.

    This American Life, the radio show, does a great job of covering stories that aren't covered elsewhere, but I think their stories take a very long time to research and produce.
