Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Villefranche-sur-mer v.9

Dear Friends,

Lest you think that Villefranche-sur-mer is absolutely perfect with no problems whatsoever, I want to let you know that there are two, and only two, problems with Villefranche.

As I am sure you all know, the French love dogs and take them everywhere.  Unfortunately, they are not always great about picking up after them and the Villefranchois seem to have a particularly difficult time with dog poop.  It is everywhere.  There are big ones.

There are little ones.

There are well stepped on ones.

And there are ones with only one step on so far.

The other problem is one we just discovered the other day as I was walking to the boulangerie to get a couple of pain au chocolat for breakfast.  When you see the next picture, it is important to remember that Villefranche is a very old town and this body is the only time we have seen any evidence of mice or rats.

So there you have all of the problems of Villefranche.  I bet you cannot say that the place where you live has only two problems, neither of which is really a big problem.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

1 comment:

  1. I just popped over here, thinking "I haven't read Unabashed for awhile. Wonder if those brats are back from France." I'm really grateful for this poop blog. It gives me some perspective. Because I really did think Villefranche was perfect as can be.
