Friday, September 11, 2015

Bernie Sanders Leads the Way

Dear Friends,

A clear pattern is developing.  Bernie Sanders continues to speak out on issues he has always supported and pushed for solutions he has always supported, but now he has a platform that is gaining incredible support, despite attempts by the establishment to limit his exposure.  The result is that the establishment is being forced to react to these issues and are proposing similar, but less effective solutions.  There have been two examples in the last couple of days.

As you all know, Bernie has been proposing free public college tuition, etc. for a long time.  Now President Obama has proposed a national advisory board to push for the idea of free community college.  President Obama is, as happens way too often, a day late and a dollar short.

The second example is that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now proposing actually prosecuting individuals on Wall Street instead of just getting minuscule fines from the big banks.  If Attorney General Lynch's initiative actually is implemented, it will overturn Attorney General Holder's ridiculous policy that the big banks were too big to jail, a policy that President Obama embraced.  Not coincidentally, President Obama takes the same approach to those in the Bush administration who are war criminals (think Vice President Cheney) but is trying to prosecute whistleblowers who disclosed the crimes.  Senator Sanders has long called for prosecuting individuals on Wall Street and now the pressure that he has exerted is getting results.

Bernie needs our support and encouragement.  He is getting people engaged in politics again and giving all of us hope that we can get real change in government.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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