Sunday, June 21, 2015

Racist Terrorism in America

Dear Friends,

The news of yet another act of terrorism against black people in America seems to come as a shock each time it happens.  There is always hand wringing and the usual denial of racism and terrorism in America by the Republicans and the usual call for gun control by the Democrats, but as Jon Stewart said, "We still won't do jack shit."  Rick Perry calls it an "accident" later corrected to an "incident", but it was not just an incident.  It was a racially motivated terrorist attack by an American on other Americans.

People say it was a single person who assassinated those nine people in Charlestown.  It was one person who pulled the trigger, but he was created, supported and encouraged by a community of racist terrorists.  His white supremacy website was just one of thousand on the internet. This community thrives on and encourages each others' hatred which ultimately, predictably and obviously leads to somebody carrying out a violent act of racist terrorism.

But it is not just the white supremacy community that creates, supports and encourages racist terrorism.  It is our leaders who use dog whistles to gain the votes and the support of the racists among us.  It is the institutional racism in America that is exemplified by the inherent racism in our justice system.  When blacks are stopped and harassed by the police far more frequently than whites, when blacks are arrested far more frequently than whites, when blacks are killed by police far more frequently than whites, when blacks receive sentences far longer than whites, all not because of what they have done but because they are black, our racist justice system provides a perfect example for the racists among us and encourages their terrorism.

Our racist justice system terrorizes the black community every day and destroys more lives than just the lives of the blacks killed by the police or a racist, terrorist gunman.  We, as a society, are destroying lives by not providing equal opportunity and a level playing field for all.  We deny the poor and particularly minorities a good education, good healthcare and real opportunities for them to attain their true potential.  Our society continues to treat them as "other" and therefore not entitled to the same treatment as "us".

Our first black President makes essentially the same speech each time the racist terrorism surfaces in the form of the violent assassination of black people.  He calls for minimal gun control, but lobbies harder for an ill-conceived trade agreement than for those minor controls.  Certainly gun control is important, but the availability of guns just makes committing the acts of terrorism easier.  The reason for the terrorism is much deeper.  It is embedded in the institutional racism in America.

Our leaders will not be the ones that end this monstrous evil that afflicts our country.  We must act.  We must join with all of our brothers and sisters to create an active community of people who name racism and terrorism wherever it exists, who work to change our racist justice system, who demand that all people are given a chance to attain their potential, who denounce acts of racism, terrorism and violence regardless of who the perpetrator is and who strive to provide a living example of the best of humanity.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

1 comment:

  1. As ALWAYS, well said... "The reason for terrorism is much deeper. It is embedded in the institutional racism in America." Thanks for sharing.
