Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Discrimination Based on Religion

Dear Friends,

The Hobby Lobby case has apparently made it clear to religious people who want to discriminate against those that do not hold their religious beliefs that the door is wide open to go well beyond contraception.  Apparently the day after the Hobby Lobby decision was made public, a group of religious friends of the Administration sent a letter to President Obama urging him to amend "his long-promised executive order that would bar discrimination against gay men and lesbians by companies that do government work" to include a robust religious exemption based on religious attitudes against homosexuality.  The quote is from a great article in The New York Times this morning here.  President Obama should sign the executive order as it is without an exemption and let the religious bigots take it to the Supreme Court.  

You can imagine the list of demands for exemptions.  A religious belief that marriage is between a man and a woman will lead to an exemption permitting a company to deny family health care insurance to same sex couples or permitting the company to discriminate in hiring and firing on that basis.  Soon we will be back to the religious belief that only permits marriages of a man and a woman of the same race, remember all the anti-miscegenation statutes.  The list will be endless.  Since the Supreme Court (if they have any intellectual honesty which I doubt) will go along with all of them, at least in its current configuration.  The only way to stop this ridiculous trend is to expose these religious bigots as the bigots they are.  People who in the name of religious freedom force their religious beliefs on others and deny them their rights.

Speak out!! Religious intolerance is not the same as religious freedom.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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