Thursday, June 23, 2011

Afghanistan War Forever

Dear Friends,

Once again, President Obama has let me down.  I continue to hope that he will actually make the right decision based on values instead of politics, and for some reason I am surprised and let down when he doesn't.

We went into Afghanistan to get al-Qaeda.  We accomplished that years ago, but we some how decided that the Taliban and al-Qaeda could be interchanged as a reason for continuing the war in Afghanistan.  Of course killing Osama bin Laden (note he was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan) should have made it clear that our mission such as it was had been accomplished.  Nevertheless, President Obama has decided that we should keep having our military personnel killed and wounded and their families destroyed and disrupted for another half a decade while we wait for a central government run by a corrupt despot that has no influence outside of Kabul to build a national army to somehow hold the fighting war lords who are continually engaged in a five sided civil war together.

If his decision weren't so amoral, it would be laughable.  So now we will continue to let people in the United States die from lack of housing, food and medical care while we waste billions of dollars in Afghanistan.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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