Thursday, April 21, 2011

Candidate Obama is Back

Dear Friends,

I am happy to see that candidate Obama seems to be replacing President Obama.  His speeches and appearances lately are reminding me of how well he can speak about liberal issues, and that he really seems to believe in them.  I am trying to keep an open mind. 

I am troubled by his comment today that he understands the frustration that we liberals feel.  It just seems to me that he is preparing us for more give aways as we approach the debt ceiling debate.  I have not heard him speak about the debt ceiling in his recent West coast speeches.  It seems to me that he needs to talk to the American people about how irresponsible it is to even be debating whether to increase the debt ceiling.  In any case, it is nice to have candidate Obama back.  I certainly hope he stays around.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

1 comment:

  1. I also prefer candidate Obama to President Obama. I think lame duck Obama will be the best of all.
