Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Family and Politicians

Dear Friends,

I apologize that this is the second post about the National Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the Family.  I was upset at the idea that President Obama would continue the tradition of the President attending this event.  But I am now completely deflated.  Not only was President Obama there, but so was Vice President Biden and so was Secretary of State Clinton, who has long attended the event.  None of those three surprised me by their presence, but then I learned that Senator Klobuchar not only attended but was a co-chair of the event.

Why would she do that?  Does she not know about the Family?  Has she not read Jeff Sharlet's book?  Is the Family that powerful that she needs to lend her name and credibility to them?  I am still in shock.

I wrote a note to Rachel Maddow who has had Senator Klobuchar on her program on many occasions and asked her to please ask Senator Klobuchar to explain why she would go to the event and agree to be co-chair.

I should note that the politicians in the US get a pass on this one in large part because the mainstream press is reluctant to talk about the Family.  Compare this article from the New York Times which barely mentions the Family or the controversy surrounding it with this article from the Guardian.  When will we get real reporting and not just superficial accounts?

Thank you for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

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