Saturday, July 10, 2010


Dear Friends,

President Obama has recently renewed his push for immigration reform.  On Tuesday, the Justice Department filed a suit to stop the Arizona Immigration law.  Here is a link to the article in The New York Times.

What could be of more importance in the long term is that President Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and indicated that he wanted to get an immigration reform bill passed this year, perhaps in the lame duck session after the November elections.  Here is a link to an article in the Los Angeles Times which ends with the following paragraph:
Deepak Bhargava of the Washington-based Center for Community Change was among those who met with the president Monday. In an interview afterward, Bhargava said Obama "was unambiguous about his commitment. The question is whether the actions will match the words over the next few weeks."
Let's hope that President Obama follows through with both words educating the American people about the need for a fair immigration policy and actions that result in the passage of a bill that is not based on fear of "others" which is what seems to play with the Republicans/Tea Party members.  America is a better country and Americans are better people than to base policy on fear of "others" or the fact that soon whites will no longer represent the majority in this country.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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