Friday, May 7, 2010

Wake Up Call to Democrats

Dear Friends,

I notice a report of a new poll today about people in Minnesota that identify themselves as Republicans, Democrats and Independents.  It should be a real wake up call to the DFL in Minnesota and the Democrats around the country.  Here are some of the highlights:

  • 36% of likely voters identify themselves as Republicans, 35% as Democrats and 24% as Independents with a margin of error of 4%
  • a year ago the numbers were 36% Democrats, 37% Independents and 20% Republicans
  • Republican endorsed candidate for Governor Tom Emmer (who was endorsed by Sarah Palin over his Republican rival) is running ahead of all three DFL candidates running in the primary with Emmer at about 41%, each of the three DFL candidates running at about a third against Emmer and the Independence candidate at 10%
 I have seen it happen over and over again, the Democrats fear that they will lose power so they move to the right and then they lose their base and any enthusiasm it has and they then of course lose power.  Howard Dean had it right.  His thesis was that there are far more people that do not vote than the Democrats could ever hope to get from the middle or the middle right.  So stand up for what you believe in, generate enthusiasm and take your positions to the people including those that do not often vote. 

The Democrats in leadership positions in Washington do not like this approach because it challenges the status quo and politicians are not risk takers or for that matter leaders.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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