Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update on Caving

Dear Friends,

There are two items related to yesterday's post that I want to be sure that you saw.

First, I forgot to provide a link to The New York Times editorial that discussed the withdrawal of Dawn Johnsen's nomination to head the Office of Legal Counsel.  It is here.  In this case, The New York Times beat me to the punch.

Second, this morning The New York Times has an editorial consistent with my post yesterday.  So in this case I beat The New York Times to the punch.  Here is their take on Attorney General Holder, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, etc.

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal


  1. Congratulations on scooping the NYT! I think you might be the only member of the April Blogging Challenge to accomplish this. ;)

    You're doing an excellent job, imho.

  2. You know what's weird? Sometimes I comment on your blog and my pithy comments never appear. Dawn Johnsen is a friend of a friend here in B-town so I commented about that. Guess what? My comment never appeared.

  3. Thank you for your comments. LH, as far as I know I permit all comments from anybody. Sorry yours did not appear. Please send word to Dawn that she should keep up her work to force accountability on the Bush Administration.
