Monday, March 1, 2010

Senator Blanche Lincoln and President Obama

Dear Friends,

Today Democratic Lt. Governor Bill Halter of Arkansas announced that he would challenge Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas for the Democratic nomination for Senate.  Senator Lincoln is one of the numerous Democratic Senators that do not seem to me to have many values that are related to the Democratic Party.  She is often referred to as a centrist Democrat by the media but don't let the media fool you.  She is a conservative.  You may remember she was one of the last Democratic Senators to agree to vote for the health care bill.  She was also a cosponsor of the bill to block the EPA from regulating greenhouse gasses.  The list goes on.  Her opponent is receiving support from and has been endorsed by the AFL-CIO political committee.

So what does President Obama think about Senator Lincoln being challenged?  Is he letting the process proceed?  Is he supporting Mr. Halter?  Is he helping to bring change to Washington?  Or is he just supporting the incumbent again?  Here is the answer from Jane Hamsher at

Not a surprise, really that Obama is supporting Blanche Lincoln in her primary race against Bill Halter.  She is after all the incumbent:
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs confirmed today that Obama will keep with his trend of supporting the sitting senator in party primaries, as he’s done with Sen. Arlen Specter over Rep. Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania and in supporting Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado.
“We support Senator Lincoln as an incumbent senator,” Gibbs told reporters today during his daily briefing.
So how is that for change that is hard to take?

Thanks for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

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