For the last several weeks I have had a sick feeling that President Obama would cave-in once again. Now I am just sad for the country, sad for the poor and middle class, sad for those looking for jobs and sad for our democracy.
For reasons that I will never understand, many months ago President Obama adopted the Republican narrative that the Federal debt was the most important issue that we were facing. Normal people, including the vast majority of Americans, knew very well that President Obama was wrong and that the most important issue was getting people back to work. We heard a lot about jobs, jobs, jobs but neither Congress nor the President did any thing other than the way to small stimulus package.
Since the Republicans, President Obama and the leaders(?) of the Democratic Party had all adopted the idea that the deficits were the most important issue and since the Republicans had learned from their past experience negotiating with President Obama that he will always cave-in, the Republicans decided to hold the nation hostage in order to further their ideological drive to make the Federal government so small that it will essentially disappear. The Republicans threatened to kill their hostage (the US economy) if they did not get huge and very damaging budget cuts. Instead of going to the American people and calling the Republican members of the House of Representative far right wing hostage takers, he decided to negotiate with them. Everybody knows you never can win negotiating with hostage takers and terrorists. But President Obama did anyway.
We know from past experience that President Obama is a terrible negotiator. So guess what happened, the far right wing extremist that have taken over the Republican Party got virtually everything they wanted, and President Obama got nothing.
I will not repeat here all the reasons why it is a terrible deal. The best summary of how terrible the deal is that I have read is Paul Krugman's op-ed in The New York Times today entitled "The President Surrenders" (here).
My conclusion is that President Obama is a failure as a President and that his Presidency is a failure. He has no idea how to lead. He is unwilling to take a position and fight for it. He is incapable of negotiating. The economy will not recover before the 2012 election. The unemployment levels will remain unconscionably high. There is a substantial risk that President Obama will not be able to be re-elected, and we will be left with one of the crazy Republican candidates.
Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal
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