Monday, July 26, 2010


Dear Friends,

At times when I am using hyperbole to make a point and want to get a reaction out of my family and friends, I say that President Obama is just like President George W. Bush.  Of course, that is not true.  President Obama is so much better than President Bush that they are not even in the same ballpark.  However, their policies are far more similar than they should be.  We all know about the similarity on things like Iraq, Afghanistan and torture.   Here are some other examples of similar policies.

"Like Bush, shutting media out" by Ed Wasserman in the Miami Herald (here).

"Like Bush, Obama Moves to Bury Bad Economic Data" by David Sirota at the Huffington Post (here).

"Obama education policies:  a lot like Bush policies" published by the Economic Policy Institute (here).

"Obama's Drug War Budget Looks a Lot Like Bush's" by Bill Piper on AlterNet (here).

"Obama's National Security Strategy:  Not So Different From Bush's" in Newsweek (here).

The Obama Administration is following the same approach as the Bush Administration did to get to the sources that James Risen used for his book.  "U.S. Subpoenas Times Reporter Over Book on C.I.A." by Charlie Savage in The New York Times (here). 

The Obama Administration is continuing to support a Bush Administration policy that permits mining companies to dump toxic wastes on public lands.  "Environmentalists blast Obama administration's defense of rulings for mining on public land" by Judith Kohler in the Washington Examiner (here).

Thanks for reading and please comment,
The Unabashed Liberal

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