Tuesday, February 23, 2010

United States Mercenaries

Dear Friends,

Tonight Rachel Maddow interviewed Representative Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat representing the Ninth District in Illinois about two topics.  The first was about trying to use healthcare reform to deny abortions.  While that is an important issue, it is not the one that I want to talk about now.  The second is a bill that Representative Schakowsky introduced to phase out the use of private contractors in war zones to do things traditionally done by the military, especially security.  You can read Representative Schakowsky's summary of the bill here.  The bill addresses the use of unaccountable mercenaries instead of United States military personnel.  You can join me as a citizen cosponsor of the bill here.

Here is the applicable part of the interview.

So how are we doing today?  Why would it take an act of Congress to get President Obama to stop using mercenaries?  Why would the Obama Administration still consider using Xe (formerly Blackwater) for anything?  Xe has proven itself to be completely unreliable and a disgrace to the United States.

Thanks for reading and please comment,

The Unabashed Liberal

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